Breast pump dilema: rumble tuff vs medela freestyle.

Okeh..ever since k.ja brought up pasal breast which I think still early to decide I end up thinking a lot about it and doing a lot of research on breastpump.

1. Medela freestyle.

This one memng tak dapat nak dibandingkan kehebatannye dgn yang lain becoz kalau google semua review on this breast pump this is the best so far. My sister pon pakai this one and so far its been a heaven for her..dah pakai untuk dua anak dah.. what are the best thing about it?
-medela sgt ringan dan easily carried ke mana2
-for double pumping
-bunyi motor yg silent
-the suction mcm baby punya suctioning so tak sakit
-ada digital monitor yg akan bgtahu kte berapa lama nk pump
-blh guna both electric n battery
-tp the flaws is that it is soooo expensive   harga RM1799 dekat most shop..haiyoooo

2.Spectra dew 350

This one is on my list as well sbb review dari org...the suction also mcm baby suction and also double pumping...harga pon x mahal sgt dalam RM550 mcm tu dah blh dpt complete set.. tp flaws dia :
-berat mak aih..2.5 kg..n motor dia punyela terkejut masa tgk kat expo haritu..sebesar bola bowling...haha
-breast pump ni hanya blh guna electric je

3. Rumble tuff
Rumble tuff ni is a new mostly org pakai bg good review...dia punya spec mcm medela freestyle cuma maybe ada sesetengah org ckp still sakit and yang paling x berkenan motor dia bunyi mcm org mesin potong rumput...mak harga dia memng reasonable rm480 for full spec...

Lastly kalau nk breastpump manual yg review plg bgs I read so far adalah avent manual breastpump...semua org kata tak sakit...

Lepas full deliberation and googling for a fair price and searching dekat gedik2 kat hubby. I decided on medela freestyle jugak..mahal blh pakai untuk baby2 lepas long term plan dari beli n then x puas hati or sakit ke..kena beli I ada jumpa this online shop yang offer package and sale this pump sooo much more cheeper than the market price.. only RM kne add sikit untuk malaysian warranty...

The choice is in your hand.
