on the 15th september, alhamdullilah i am engaged to muhammad idham jasmiad..
it's been almost 2 months since the event...
I just got the pics from my official photographer..
For this period of 2 months, being someone's's been a roller coaster ride..
it is not easy preparing for a wedding....
So many things to settle in such a short period of time...
not to mention so many unintended emotion tent to arise...huhu..
anyway...i hope things go smoothly as planned and we manage to organize our wedding in time and as planned...
Just be strong ~
so here goes..moments and memories ~
The pelamin~
The hantaran~
The cakes~
The food~
The engagement~
The future groom~
The in laws~
The siblings~
special thankz to smua coursemate yg dtg.~ hopefully wedding nnti everyone boleh dtg...
and thankz a lot for hazwa and nana for coming dari jauh...terharu ~
and also special thankz to them buat props smpai tido lmbat ~