dalam bulan jun arituh...
bertugas sbgai ppsl diploma nursing...
n met great friends...
n this september...bertugas sbagai ppsl whole intake of usmkk...
n work woth a bunch of great people...

kali neh msk exco grafik dan kbudayaan for the first time...
so since i'm the one yg pgg cmare...of course my pics sgt belambak!!
1st day...
1st day..
a family potret...ari pertama da tebiat bdk2 neh..
bergambar dgn baju korperat....
majlis sambutan siswa...
slamat menjadi warga usmkk...
serious ! serious !
aerobik dekat pdg baru..jaoh x terkata...
majlis makan malam bersama dato' pa...
well...my exco had put up a great effort in this dinner...
despite all the comment...
we know we try to do our best...
ppsl performance...standing in the eyes of the world!
great one week and a hectic one...
slamat dtg pelajar baru..n tahniah buat 39 ppsl...
smoga tahun dpn kte berjumpa lg...
with a smile...